

+91 9900671778

My Books

I consider myself as an amateur writer, but have published three books so far and I do that because I love to do so. My motive here also is the same, that even if 1% of my readers get some kind of awareness and get benefitted, it will be a pleasure for me.


One of the biggest social problem our country is facing today, is the menace of ‘Depression among Teenagers’. The sad part is that there is a lack of awareness in the society and majority of the parents & teachers do not realize this and don’t see this problem at all. There is also a small percentage of people, somehow they know about this problem, but then they do not want to talk about it openly, especially if the problem is with their own child. This book is written with only objective of bringing awareness about this problem so that it can be detected on time and treated properly. All parents of a teenage child as well as the teachers who handle children of this age group, must read this book, so that they can save their child, the society and the nation on the whole.

Written By – Shashank K

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